RMS - Awareness & Health Check up Camp

Raipur Menopause Society conducted an Awareness & Health Check up Camp at respective Private set-ups by President RMS Dr.Sushma Verma, Secretary RMS Dr Ritu Jain , Past President RMS Dr Manoj Chellani, Executive member Dr. Sarla Nihlani & RMS member Dr.Namrta Shirmor, from 1-5th August 2022, under the MHCC Activity of IMS.

Common problems of midlife like hot flushes abnormal uterine bleeding, bone related problems were dealt with. Screening for breast, ovarian, and cervical cancer was discussed and done. The camp was attended by 58 patients.
Hemoglobin, blood sugar estimation, Pap smear, VIA, VILLI, and colposcopy were done for around 30 patients. Suspicious cases were directed for USG, Biopsy, and further management.
The awareness talk Was given by Dr Namrata Sirmour about cancer screening. The camp was interactive well well-appreciated by the patients and all queries regarding Menstruation, Hygiene, Diet - Nutrition Contraception, and Cervical screening were answered by the respective Consultants. This camp was very useful for middle-aged women